Deliver to

Ensure your emails get delivered to your users. Scale up to 10M+ emails per month with our powerful SMTP infrastructure and robust API.

Analytics made simple

Keep track of important KPIs, so you can quickly gauge email performance and make adjustments. Our dashboard tracks important metrics such as bounce rates and spam complaints to help you identify and resolve deliverability issues.

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Dedicated IP

Dedicated IP assigns a unique address solely for your email sending.

  • Ideal for high email volume
  • Full control over IP reputation
  • Less reputation risk from other senders
Shared IP

Share IP customers share the same IP address pool for sending emails.

  • Multiple users share IP pool.
  • Best price-value for email volumes < 250K
  • Reputation shaped by collective sending

Personal weekly reports

Get weekly reports from Inboxroad for email performance insights. Track performance over time, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your email deliverability

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45 sec
Average support response time
Average lift in delivery rate
System uptime (last 30 days)
Emails sent every month
Companies use Inboxroad
4.8 / 5
Average rating on G2 crowd

Scalable SMTP server

From 1.000 emails to 10 million. At Inboxroad we provide you with a highly scalable SMTP service that will fit your needs. You can also add IPs or sending domains added to your plan.

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