How Perseus keeps brands safe with simulated phishing mails

How Perseus keeps brands safe with simulated phishing mails

In today’s global digital economy, cybersecurity is becoming more and more important for businesses around the globe. University of Maryland estimates there’s a cyberattack every 39 seconds, leading to annual damages of over $10 billion globally. Perseus Technologies operates in the cybersecurity space, helping their partners to establish a long-term cybersecurity culture along all phases of a cyberattack.

“Perseus’ vision is to provide end-to-end IT security and privacy. We want to offer companies better protection against data loss and threats from the internet. Doing so, Perseus puts an intense focus on the factor “human firewall” and offers our customers a comprehensive cyber awareness training, including easy-to-understand video units as well as realistic phishing simulations.” – Christoph Holle (CEO at Perseus)

As human intelligence and comprehension of cyberattacks are the best defence mechanisms, Perseus sends harmless, simulated phishing emails to the employees of their customers for training purposes as part of their service. To get their simulated phishing attacks delivered, they rely on Inboxroad’s SMTP server.

Taking simulated phishing mails to the next level

Delivery and speed are of the utmost importance when it comes to simulating a realistic phishing attack. To accommodate for these simulations Perseus has developed an email-tool specifically for their needs. To get the most out of their custom-built email marketing solution, Persues relies on Inboxroad’s SMTP server and tailored deliverability-advice to make sure the process runs smoothly;

“With Inboxroad’s infrastructure and guidance on best practices and strategies, we’ve managed to increase our email deliverability on average by over 10%.” – Philipp Schilling (Product Owner at Perseus)

An extra pair of eyes

Perseus was looking for a service provider to support them on a daily basis with their specific needs. A partner who is available and approachable when support-needs come up. Besides relying on daily monitoring, they are in touch with Inboxroad’s deliverability team on a regular basis:

“Besides daily reporting, Inboxroad really is our second pair of eyes on topics that affect our deliverability, and this has been the case from day one.”
– Philipp Schilling (Product Owner at Perseus)

As a joint effort on increasing performance for Perseus, deliverability has improved, best-practices are implemented, and there is alignment on what steps to take to keep improving. As part of their continued focus on email deliverability, Persues plans to work together with Inboxroad on getting ESP-routing in place in the near future.