Building a Strong Sender Reputation with Inboxroad

In email marketing, the importance of a strong sender reputation cannot be overstated. This is why we at Inboxroad take special care to it by offering a personal advice to our customers.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of building and maintaining a robust sender reputation, exploring the factors that influence it and providing actionable tips to enhance your email deliverability.

Why is Sender Reputation Important?

A positive sender reputation establishes your credibility as a legitimate sender, reducing the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam. This, in turn, enhances your email deliverability, ensuring that your messages are consistently reaching the intended audience.

Factors Influencing Sender Reputation 

1. Email authentication Protocols

Ensure email authentication protocols such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are properly configured. Once you are done with the DNS settings, your domain will be validated, and you will find SMTP credentials.

Then is time to send your first email, the best possible practice to do before scheduling any campaign is to send a test email to the test email address provided in and check the spam result.

Double-checking your DNS settings are correct, is fundamental to building a strong sender reputation.

Don’t hesitate to ask if having any doubts, please note 10 is the best score.

Having a 10 as score means you can start sending already.
However, when having a lower score, please share with us the test result URL from
We will help you to improve it your spam score.

2. Content Quality and Relevance

Explore how the content of your emails impacts sender reputation. Discuss the significance of relevant and engaging content, avoiding spam-triggering elements, and maintaining a healthy text-to-image ratio.

3. List Quality and Segmentation

Focus on the importance of maintaining a clean and well-segmented email list. Discuss the impact of sending to inactive or outdated addresses, segmentation benefits, and list management strategies.

Please check your sending logs regularly and remove or unsubscribe bad and inactive email addresses from your sending list.

Please remember that inactive email addresses can be spam traps and when sending a spam trap your emails can be blocked or blacklisted.

4. Engagement Metrics

Examine the role of recipient engagement in determining sender reputation. Explore how open rates, click-through rates, and overall user interaction contribute to a positive sender image.

5. Consistent Sending Practices

Establish the importance of consistent and moderate sending practices. Discuss the risks associated with sudden spikes in email volume and the benefits of a well-managed sending frequency.

6. Monitoring and Analytics

Highlight the significance of monitoring email deliverability metrics and using analytics to identify areas for improvement. 

Please remember you can monitor your sending reputation in the following link:
We recommend keeping a good score above 90 in Senderscore.

Building a strong sender reputation is an ongoing process that requires diligence, attention to detail, and a commitment to best practices

Remember you can also reach us for personal advice, at our Email deliverability consultant – for any kind of questions or advice.

Don’t you have an account with Inboxroad yet? Remember you can create a free account including 1,000 emails per month to test our service. 

Don’t hesitate to ask at if you have any questions.